Living Healthy

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Mango Leaves: A Natural Path to Improved Insulin Sensitivity and Cognitive Function


In the realm of natural remedies, the benefits of mangoes are widely celebrated for their succulent fruit and refreshing taste. However, it might come as a surprise that mango leaves, often overlooked, hold a secret treasure trove of health benefits. Recent studies have indicated a potential link between mango leaves and improved insulin sensitivity, which in turn, could contribute to enhanced cognitive function. This blog explores the fascinating connection between mango leaves, insulin sensitivity, and cognitive well-being.

The Science Behind Insulin Sensitivity and Cognition:

Insulin sensitivity refers to the body’s ability to effectively respond to insulin, a hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. Impaired insulin sensitivity can lead to insulin resistance, a precursor to type 2 diabetes. But how does this relate to cognitive function?

Research has shown that there is a significant interplay between metabolic health and cognitive well-being. Impaired insulin sensitivity has been associated with cognitive decline and an increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Conversely, improving insulin sensitivity may help protect brain health and cognitive function.

Mango Leaves and Insulin Sensitivity:

Mango leaves have been used for centuries in traditional medicine systems, such as Ayurveda, to treat various ailments. Recent scientific studies have started to unveil the potential mechanisms behind the beneficial effects of mango leaves on insulin sensitivity.

Certain bioactive compounds found in mango leaves, such as mangiferin and quercetin, have demonstrated anti-diabetic properties. These compounds may enhance insulin signaling, reduce inflammation, and contribute to improved glucose metabolism. By promoting better insulin sensitivity, mango leaves could help prevent or manage insulin resistance, thereby reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and its potential cognitive effects.

Cognitive Benefits of Improved Insulin Sensitivity:

As insulin sensitivity plays a crucial role in brain health, enhancing it through natural means like mango leaves could have positive implications for cognition. Stable blood sugar levels, facilitated by improved insulin sensitivity, ensure a steady supply of glucose—the brain’s primary energy source. This can lead to better cognitive performance, memory retention, and overall mental clarity.

Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory properties of mango leaf compounds may also have a protective effect on brain cells, reducing the risk of neuroinflammation and cognitive decline. While more research is needed to establish a direct link between mango leaves and cognitive improvement, the existing evidence suggests a promising avenue for exploration.


Nature often holds the keys to unlocking hidden health benefits, and mango leaves are a prime example of this phenomenon. Their potential to enhance insulin sensitivity and subsequently support cognitive function showcases the intricate connections between metabolic health and brain well-being. While more research is needed to fully understand the extent of these benefits, exploring the traditional wisdom surrounding mango leaves could lead us to innovative approaches for improving our overall health and cognition.

JBA GLUCOTROJAN® is a convenient powder in an individual sachet that contains a combination of fermented Mangifera indica leaf (young mango leaves), stem banana juice and mulberry leaf extract (Reducose®, a patented extract).  This is a clinically proven product to promote a healthier blood glucose and insulin response after a meal high in carbohydrates.*

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